Preliminary Exercise Learner Response

 Preliminary Exercise Learner Response blog tasks:

1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full. If you've received your feedback via email, you can simply cut and paste it from the email into your blog.

WWW: Excellent planning on your blog – fully completed for the preliminary exercise. Although the video isn’t posted to your blog I was able to mark the video file in your folder on Media Shared (you can now upload it to YouTube and add it to your blog – it should work now). My immediate reaction is that this is more like one of the real coursework adverts rather than a preliminary exercise! There is clearly excellent planning behind this, the editing communicates meaning really clearly and you develop your character even though it’s only a short advert. The music works perfectly (both tracks) and the costume change is well thought out in terms of colour and mood. I also really like the voiceover at the end – it sounds professional and the slogan is fantastic. This could definitely be one of your coursework adverts except for one critical element…

EBI: …it’s in portrait! You absolutely must film in landscape as the brief is clear that it is a TV advert and therefore to be broadcast on a normal TV channel. Unfortunately that means you’ll need to re-shoot this advert if you want to use the concept for your real coursework but on the plus side you can use the experience to shoot a few extra shots and fix anything that didn’t quite work the first time. Things like the voiceover will be find to use for the real adverts too (you can use the same voiceover for both so that’s already done). One other bit of feedback – I would look again at the font you are using for the text on screen as it doesn’t really fit the Vita Coco brand. Try and find a similar font to the carton for the text on screen – I think it will make a real difference.

LR: As your learner response, write what you are planning to make for your real coursework. Will you choose to make the 2 video adverts or 3 print adverts? Explain your decision.

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write two WWW bullet points (What Went Well) and two EBI bullet points (Even Better If) for your preliminary exercise. 

  • WWW: I think the idea of the advert and the modelling of the drink was well thought out and turned out nicely due to the mood change of my character before and after consuming the drink.
  • WWW: I think the last ending and close up shot of the product looks really nice and the voiceover with the slogan goes well with the advert.
  • EBI: I originally wasn't sure about the music but after I think it played well with the advert but for the real one, I could find better sounds and control the volume better as it seems a little messy in this one.
  • EBI: I need to create the advert in landscape rather than portrait to make it look better and actually fit in the screen fully.

3) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project? List three things you have learned or will do differently as a result of this exercise. You may want to comment on organisation, actors, filming, editing or something else entirely but be specific.

  1. Carefully edit- especially with the sound track, I need to control the volume better
  2. Filming landscape rather than portrait is important as it will look and fit better in the screen
  3. Maybe make it more clearer of the character's emotions.

4) Complete any learner response tasks or questions from your teacher. 

I am going to choose to do the two video adverts as I think I will produce them better due to experience from the prelim exercise and the knowledge I gained from it to think about for my real adverts. I also don't have much experience in creating a print advert and I want to achieve top grades in media, so I want to choose the advert that will get me a higher grade in my GCSE.


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