
Preliminary Exercise Learner Response

 Preliminary Exercise Learner Response blog tasks: 1) Type up your teacher's feedback  in full . If you've received your feedback via email, you can simply cut and paste it from the email into your blog. WWW : Excellent planning on your blog – fully completed for the preliminary exercise. Although the video isn’t posted to your blog I was able to mark the video file in your folder on Media Shared (you can now upload it to YouTube and add it to your blog – it should work now). My immediate reaction is that this is more like one of the real coursework adverts rather than a preliminary exercise! There is clearly excellent planning behind this, the editing communicates meaning really clearly and you develop your character even though it’s only a short advert. The music works perfectly (both tracks) and the costume change is well thought out in terms of colour and mood. I also really like the voiceover at the end – it sounds professional and the slogan is fantastic. This could defin

YR 11 paper 1 assessment: Learner response

  Year 11 Paper 1 assessment: Learner Response Create a blogpost called ' Paper 1 assessment learner response '. 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). mark= 29/42 grade= 7 WWW- another excellent assessment: well done! Impressive knowledge of the CSP's and terminology shown throughout. EBI- a couple of areas to develop for an 8+ grade. Firstly, exam technique and question focus (e.g. don't drift too much into representation in a language question like Q2. Secondly, social and cultural contexts and specific references to CSPs. LR- see blog 2) Look at the  mark scheme for this assessment . For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify  three  points that you could have referred to in your answer. I could have referred to more language techniques such as: Colour Palette: • Darkness has connotations of dangers to be faced and makes it more dramatic • The use of the spotlight (

Coursework preliminary exercise planning

  Initial tasks: planning 1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise. Statement of intent:  100 words explaining what you plan to make. Example statement of intent [147 words]:  I plan to make a 30 second advert about a student struggling in school due to tiredness and behaviour issues who is helped by their rehydrating health drink. The beginning of the advert will have a montage editing sequence of different issues that the student is having with a soundtrack that fits a negative overall mood. My character will be in school uniform that is deliberately messed up to help communicate the struggles the student is experiencing. The middle of the advert will involve the character discovering the product with close-up shots of the product (pack shot) and also the character drinking the product. The advert will then end with the character alert, in perfect uniform and answering a question in class and being successful. The fin

Summer Project: coursework planning

  Summer project tasks 1) Research: health drink TV adverts Watch the following adverts and answer the questions below. Innocent Drinks Watch the following adverts for Innocent drinks (these are from different campaigns). Innocent example 1:  Innocent example 2: Innocent example 3:  Answer the following questions: 1) What is the  unique selling point  of the product?  They are supposedly   healthy  drinks with many different flavours. 2) What  audience  do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain  why . I think it is aimed at teenagers and adults as of the childish looking logo and colourful flavours but also people who are looking to stay fit and have a healthy lifestyle. 3) What do you notice about the  technical construction  of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. There is playful and happy music as well as a grassy setting signifying nature, which

End of Year 1 exam: Learner Response

End of Year 1 exam: Learner Response My total= 35/42  Grade= 8 1) Type up any feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW - This is a hugely impressive exam: well done! Excellent notes, real detail; from the extract and very good focus on the questions throughout. EBI - The challenge now is taking Q2 into the very top level (see the mark scheme on the blog). A wider variety of examples/ evidence from the CSPs could help with this. 2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Question 1.1 asks about mise-en-scene. What do we use to remember  mise-en-scene? Give one example answer from the mark scheme too. CLAMPS- costume, lighting, actor placement/movement/expression, make-up, props, setting. An example answer would be: Will’s costume – makes him look like he is from our world. 3) Question 1.2 asks about narrative features in the extract. Look at the mark scheme to pick out  three  possible answers for this question.  Examples

Radio: Final index

 MY final index for radio: 1) Radio: Launch of BBC Radio 1 CSP 2) Radio: KISS FM Breakfast show CSP

KISS FM: breakfast show blog tasks

  Audience Look at  the KISS media pack carefully . This will give you a brilliant background to the brand and how they target their audience (important note: it features the old Breakfast presenting team).  Answer the following questions: 1) Read page 2. What is KISS FM's mission? Their content solutions  deliver the latest trends across each  platform. The strategy encompasses on-air  and online, proving digital is as  important  radio, social as important as live events,  and they all work together to create the  ultimate 360 destination to hear, see,  share and discover and mainly entertain 15 to 34 year olds. 2) Look at page 3. What is the target audience for KISS FM? As well as writing the key statistics from the media pack, try and suggest what  psychographic groups  would fit the KISS audience too. The KISS audience is a 15-34, 60/40 Female to Male split  and united by their love of music and the cool stuff they’re into right now. This might suggest a middle class audience